The Real Cause of Diabulimia
First published in May 2022 - Last edited in July 2022 by Luka Tunjic. © All rights reserved.
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The epidemic proportion of anorexia in the second half of 20 century is caused by the models of "a calorie is a calorie and modified model of a calorie is a calorie known as Calories In - Calories Out (CICO - Energy balance Model). Still, before the theory of obesity based on "a calorie is a calorie" and the later version of it known as Calories In - Calories Out (CICO - Energy balance Model), a rare case of anorexia was recorded mainly through medieval saints.
Bulimia first appears in the second half of 20 century. Bulimia was unheard of until the second half of the 20th century.
Diabulimia appeared for the first time at the very beginning of the 21 century (Circa 2002)The conditions today known as diabulimia were unheard of until the beginning of 21 century.
Just at the beginning of 21 century, a new theory of weight gain/weight loss called The Carbohydrates Insulin Model of Obesity appeared. In a matter of weeks, the carbohydrates model of obesity (CIM) took a foothold, immediately resulting in the cause of diabulimia. This condition (diabulimia) was unknown before the existence of the theory-model of obesity called the Carbohydrtase Model of Obesity.
It looks strange that the practice of reducing or stopping taking Insulin is regarded as an eating disorder. (Insulin is administered by subcutaneous injection. No one eats Insulin.)
Also is strange to call it diabulimia. No one purges Insulin. Reducing or stopping taking their Insulin to lose weight can be a bit more similar to eating very little or missing meals to lose weight (anorexia).
The example of diabulimia is a straightforward example that shows that condition is caused by the pseudoscience of weight gain/weight loss. Not by factors like body image distortion (BID), biological factors, a desire for perfection, rarely being satisfied with what you've done, being very critical of yourself, being overly competitive about things, etc.
Reducing or stopping taking their Insulin to lose weight was the unheard practice before the appearance of the Carbohydrates Insulin Model of Obesity (CIM).
There is only one cause for the practice of reducing or stopping taking Insulin to lose weight, and it is the Carbohydrates Insulin Model of Obesity (CIM). (For eating disorders, professionals are far more comfortable diagnosing mentally ill people who skip Insulin to lose weight than confront the Carbohydrates Insulin Model of Obesity (CIM).)
Without pseudoscience of weight gain/weight loss, there will not be eating disordered caused by an intention to lose weight or by the fear of gaining unwanted weight.
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