Human Sense of Balance and Physical Activities
First published in 2003 - Last edited in May 2022 by Luka Tunjic. © All rights reserved.
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The experience acquired from space travel (Cosmonauts and Astronauts) shows us that in weightlessness, we don’t have balance.
It doesn’t matter how good our sense of balance is on the Earth when we leave the Earth’s gravity, we leave our sense of balance.
Our sense of balance is in causal relation with gravity.
The sense of balance can’t be represented in some molecules or cells. The sense of balance is not material but mental.
The sense of balance is connected with the pull of gravity.
1. The existence of the pull of gravity is a factor that enables us to have (acquire) a sense of balance.
The presence of gravity alone is not enough for acquiring a sense of balance.
2. Work against the pull of gravity is the factor that is responsible for acquiring a sense of balance.
The effort to do any physical task is meaningless compared to the physical effort that we put throughout the day just to support and carry our own body weight.
To support and carry our own body weight, we need body strength and a sense of balance. The task of carrying our own body weight (walking, running, jumping) is impossible to do without a sense of balance.
a) Food or any other chemically means (drink, drugs etc.) can positively/negatively affect only the existing level of the sense of balance.
b) But with food or any other chemical means (drink, drugs etc.), we can’t maintain or improve our existing level of balance.
Our body has weight because of the pull of gravity.
Supporting (maintaining posture) and carrying our own body weight (walking, running, jumping) is a work against the pull of gravity.
Living in a gravity environment of 1G, which is the case here on Earth, is a factor that enables us to have a sense of balance.
The only way to acquire, maintain and improve the sense of balance is to be involved in specific physical activities. For example, by improving walking skills (walking gait) we improve the sense of balance.
1. The improvement of the sense of balance positively affects the chemistry of the body (particularly brain chemistry).
2. But any attempt to positively affect the sense of balance by influencing or altering the chemistry of the brain, whether it is with stem cells or with any known proteins (BDNF, LNGFR etc.) is not only dangerous but is also pointless. Because the maintenance and improvement of the sense of balance positively influence the chemistry (biochemistry) of the brain. But in the case where it is possible to improve the brain chemistry (biochemistry) with medication, the sense of balance will not improve. Balance (the sense of balance) has to be learnt (acquired) on our own.
Involvement in physical activities is the essential condition for acquiring, maintaining or improving a sense of balance.
Physical activities done on stationary bikes, treadmills, trampolines and bouncy castles lead to the development of a weird sense of balance. The development of a weird sense of balance is in a causal relation with the development of weird neurological development because the sense of balance is a mental component.
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