Spontaneous Remission of Type 1 Diabetes
First published in 2008 - Last edited in May 2022 by Luka Tunjic. © All rights reserved.
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Insulin Remissions among Pregnant Type 1 Patients
The fact that has been known for many decades but rarely mentioned is that when women with Type 1 diabetes become pregnant, their condition improves, and some become insulin-free during pregnancy. But pregnancy doesn't cure type 1 diabetes because, after delivery, they again become affected with type 1 diabetes
Note! Insulin Remissions among Pregnant Type 1 Patients have recently been highlighted by Dr Louis Jovanovic at the International Summit on Insulin Independence - on April 24, 2013
One-third of pregnant women, including those who’ve had it for 20 years or more, have reduced insulin needs during pregnancy
Among pregnant type 1 women, there is often a decline in the need for insulin
Some women have been insulin-free throughout their pregnancy, only to return to insulin requirements after delivery.
New insulin production has been seen among type 1 patients with a history of diabetes for more than 20 years
*Jovanovic L, et all.,Diabetologia. 2000 Oct;43(10):1329-30.
Source: International Summit on Insulin Independence - April 24, 2013, http://insulinindependence.com/insulin-independence-program.html
1. The fact that a “Third of pregnant women, including those who’ve had it for 20 years or more, have reduced insulin needs during pregnancy” should be regarded as a partial remission of Type 1 Diabetes.
2. The fact that “Some women are insulin-free throughout their pregnancy – can be regarded as a temporary cure for Type 1 diabetes.
3. The fact that women “return to insulin requirements after delivery” – can be regarded as the reoccurrence of Type 1 diabetes.
The question is do women return to insulin requirements immediately after delivery, or after a few days, weeks or even months? At this moment, I can only guess until more data is available. However, it is hard to assume that they return on insulin requirements immediately after delivery. It is more likely that they return after a period of delivery. Also, it is hard to assume that there is a fixed timeline. It is very likely that some women return to insulin requirements in a shorter time, and some take a while longer after delivery.
The example of partial remission and temporary cure of Type 1 diabetes during pregnancy points out that; the musculoskeletal and biomechanical changes during pregnancy are responsible for the partial remission and cure of type 1 diabetes. The return of the pre-pregnancy biomechanics – (posture and gait) and the pre-pregnancy shape of the musculoskeletal system causes Type 1 diabetes.
The example that islet cells regenerate during pregnancy further strengthens the conclusion that biomechanical and musculoskeletal changes are the reasons for the regeneration of islet cells.
Quote: By 10 weeks of pregnancy, new endogenous levels of insulin are seen. Johansson M at al. Endocrinology 2006. 147(5):2315 – 232
The fact that new insulin production starts after 10 weeks of pregnancy suggests that at that time, the regeneration of islet cells starts. New endogenous levels of insulin aren’t seen in the first or second week of pregnancy because there are almost no musculoskeletal changes. Musculoskeletal changes are visible around 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Please note: All women during pregnancy are affected by anatomical and physiological changes. But some of them are more and some of them are less affected by musculoskeletal changes during pregnancy.
Actress Halle Berry Type 1 Diabetes cure/Remission
Halle Berry was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 1989. In early November of 2007, she was four months pregnant when she stated, "I've managed to wean myself off insulin." Berry gave birth to their daughter in March 2008.
Actress Halle Berry was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 22 after she became ill and slipped into a weeklong coma. In 2007, however, Berry announced that she'd weaned herself off insulin. - Source: http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20490828_2,00.html
Pregnant Halle Berry angers docs on diabetes - Source: http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/entertainment&id=5747206
Not only did the 41-year-old actress achieve a long-desired pregnancy, but she stirred up a storm of controversy when she claimed that she had cured herself of type 1 diabetes. She claims that a healthy diet and exercise have changed the course of her illness.
Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/DiabetesNews/Story?id=4034836&page=11
I don't see anything wrong with Halle Berry's claim that she is cured of Type 1 diabetes, but the statement that she had done so with "a healthy diet and exercise" is not right.
Side note:
On the other hand, it is not to blame Halle Berry for her belief that she is cured of Type 1 diabetes due to a healthy diet and exercise. Fear of disease makes us prone to believe in any explanation, and it doesn't matter how those explanation theories have nothing to do with reality.
There is no ground to doubt that Halle Berry is cured of Type 1 diabetes because a great number of women with Type 1 diabetes, after ten weeks of pregnancy, have reduced insulin needs during pregnancy (temporary regression of Type 1). Some are insulin-free throughout the rest of their pregnancy (temporarily cured of Type 1 diabetes).
Usually, after delivery or some time after the delivery, women return to their pre-pregnancy insulin requirements. Still, the exciting fact is that Halle Berry didn't return to her insulin requirements after delivery.
1. The first step is to regard Halle Berry's Type 1 diabetes cure as unexplained.
2. The next step is to try to discover why she has become permanently free from Type 1 diabetes.
Luckily, there are plenty of pictures and movies with Halle Berry while she had type 1 diabetes and after she was cured of type 1 diabetes. That enables us to analyse her musculoskeletal profile, gait and posture when she has Type 1 diabetes and after she claimed to be cured of Type 1 diabetes. More about the musculoskeletal profile of Halle Berry will be discussed later after I present some other points about Type 1 diabetes.
In the absence of understanding of any serious health conditions, people are prone to create a belief instead of acquiring real understanding.
In the absence of real progress in understanding health conditions, professional/institutional scientists are prone to invent theories and explanations that sound scientific but without real meaning.
The theory that "Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease" and the explanation "the immune system attacks it and destroys the cells that produce insulin" is one of the examples of pseudo-theories and inconclusive explanations that sound scientific but have no real meaning.
Side note: For now, there is only one example (Halle Berry) where Type 1 diabetes is cured by pregnancy. (Actually, musculoskeletal changes and the change in the biomechanics during pregnancy is the reason for the cure of Type 1 diabetes.) The question is, how many other women have become permanently insulin-free or have permanently reduced their dependence on insulin injection after delivery. It is very likely that due to the accepted views such as; Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease; diabetes type 1 cannot be cured, etc., those cases are ignored by the established scientific-pharmaceuticals community.
The Size of the Pancreas of People with Type 1 Diabetes
One crucial fact about Type 1 diabetes, which is rarely mentioned, is the fact that the size of the pancreas of people with type 1 diabetes is significantly smaller than that of people without Type 1 diabetes.
Pancreatic volume is reduced by 26% in patients with type 1 diabetes within months of diagnosis, suggesting that atrophy begins years before the onset of clinical disease. Pancreatic atrophy within individuals is therefore a potential clinical marker of disease progression. Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22879632
This suggests that it is unthinkable to prevent or cure Type 1 diabetes without understanding what causes the atrophy of the pancreas (shrinkage of the pancreas). (I’m afraid that putting forward a hypothesis about what causes atrophy of the pancreas and how to reverse and prevent atrophy of the pancreas will cause confusion, and I will leave it for later.)
Spontaneous Islet Cells Regeneration
The examples of (spontaneous) islet cells regeneration leads to the suggestion that Type 1 diabetes is possible to cure.
Only in rare instances do islets regenerate. These times include acute pancreatic injury, pancreatitis, pancreatic stones and pregnancy.
Johansson M at al. Endocrinology 2006. 147(5):2315 – 232
The example that acute pancreatic injury, pancreatitis and pancreatic stones cause (indirectly) a regeneration of islets cells points out that postural changes caused by those conditions induce musculoskeletal changes, and that is the cause for islet cells regeneration. Postural changes and musculoskeletal changes are the causes for the regeneration of islet cells.
Side note: It has been nowhere mentioned, but it seems that a few examples of Weight Loss Surgery (Bariatric Surgery) performed on obese type 1 diabetic have caused a regeneration of islet cells.
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