The Harms of Health at Every Size (HAES)Paradigm
First published in May 2022 - Last edited in July 2022 by Luka Tunjic. © All rights reserved.
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Previous page: The Real Cause of Diabulimia
Inability to confront with the fact that something is wrong with medical science resulted in fat acceptance. Failure to lose weight by counting calories resulted in the Health at Every Size ideology, which is another name for the Fat Acceptance ideology. It seems that it is easier to accept the belief of being for the rest of life obese than to accept that medical theories of weight gain/weight loss are based on vast and embarrassing flaws.
In the past, the fat activists, whether they were fat admirers or health-obesity promoters (HAES), believed, and the majority of them still today believe, that they could achieve weight loss by restricting calories (restricting calories in food uptake alone or combined with increased activity) but that the sacrifice would not be worth it. But they believe that weight loss is unsustainable because obese can't stick to such a regime of eating and physical activity.
They aggressively hinder any talk about calories and weight loss/weight gain, thus obstructing the truth that obesity scientists and medical science, in general, didn't know that metabolic waste contains calories.
They believe that an overweight person will not get obese as long as he maintains a present level of physical activity and food intake, directly promoting the belief that a person gets obese because he overeats.
The National Library of Medicine website states that "HAES challenges some of the key assumptions of traditional approaches to weight management." These include "that anyone who is determined can lose weight and keep it off through appropriate diet and exercise,". (sources:
HAES activists do not challenge the assumption of traditional approaches to weight management that anyone who is determined can lose weight through appropriate diet and exercise. Only HAES promoters believe that preventing weight regain is not possible because it is very hard or impossible to maintain an appropriate diet and exercise for weight loss for a longer time.
According to the fat acceptance narrative, you are fat (overweight, obese, severely obese) because you were overeating and exercising too little but accept yourself as you are. But do not increase your food intake or decrease your physical activity because you will gain more weight. Even if you are gaining weight, you should not worry about it and pursue health, not weight loss.
From the articles mentioning childhood obesity on the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH) website, it is visible that Health At Every Size activists intend to force everyone to believe that childhood obesity is a myth.
Quote: I reject the premise of the question. "Childhood obesity" didn't even exist as a medical or public health term until 2007, when it was invented to further a fear-based, weight-based approach to health. It is inappropriate to talk about a current "epidemic" to describe the increases in children's weight over time, given that the upward trend has leveled off in recent years. The idea that this entire generation is the first that will not outlive their parents appears everywhere in the literature and the press, but is not grounded in reliable evidence to that effect. It represents propaganda, not science". - Source: HAES Matters: A Health At Every Size Model for Our Children - February 19, 2013.
The epidemic proportion of childhood obesity, which is in front of everyone's eyes, is rejected as propaganda by the proponents of Health at Every Size. (It means HAES activists ask you not to trust your own eyes.)
Humans don't need HAES ideology, but they need a fundamental understanding of body-weight gain/weight loss and science about body mass distribution. The book "(Mechanical Stimulation Low-Grade Inflammation Weight Gain: Muscles Upward Lifting Activity Weight Loss) extensively explains the biological basis of body weight gain, weight loss, and the mechanisms of body mass distribution.
It is the myth that that "HAES challenges some of the key assumptions of traditional approaches to weight management." These include "that anyone who is determined can lose weight and keep it off through appropriate diet and exercise,".
HAES activists do not challenge the assumption of traditional approaches to weight management that anyone who is determined can lose weight through appropriate diet and exercise.
In reality, HAES promoters believe that losing weight and preventing weight regain is not possible because it is very hard or impossible to maintain an appropriate diet and exercise for weight loss for a longer time.
Humans don't need HAES ideology, but they need a fundamental understanding of body-weight gain/weight loss and science about body mass distribution. The book "(Mechanical Stimulation Low-Grade Inflammation Weight Gain: Muscles Upward Lifting Activity Weight Loss) extensively explains the biological basis of body weight gain, weight loss, and the bio-mechanisms of body mass distribution.
The book "(Mechanical Stimulation Low-Grade Inflammation Weight Gain: Muscles Upward Lifting Activity Weight Loss) extensively explains the biological basis of body weight gain, weight loss, and the bio-mechanisms of body mass distribution. It also explains why for obese people is much harder to lose excess weight compared to overweight and slightly overweight people. It also explains what type of physical activity obese people should do in order to lose weight.
Next page: Biomechanology, Neuro-Biomechanics, and Neurology
Previous page: The Real Cause of Diabulimia
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